Easy Glue Underwater

Preis Easy Glue Underwater Nano - 2 x 3 g - PREIS-401
Size N/A
Barcode 4021827228824
Out of stock
Preis-EASY-GLUE Underwater - 20 g - PREIS-338
Size N/A
Barcode 4021827177917
Out of stock

PREIS-EASY GLUE Under­wa­ter is suitable for gluing all types of coral to frag­stones or directly to a reef.

  • The adhesive can also be applied under­wa­ter.
  • can also be used to glue plastic, ceramic, stone and dec­or­at­ive mater­i­als.
  • Coral glue gel for above and below water.
  • Freshly cut pieces of coral should be dis­in­fec­ted with Preis iodine before gluing.
  • After using Preis-Easy Glue Under­wa­ter, ensure that the tip is clean before repla­cing the cap.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Now in fresh water suitable for gluing of mosses, plants and roots. For secure fixing of bro­me­li­ads and tilland­sia.

Preis Easy Glue Underwater Nano - 2 x 3 g

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Species typeEasy Glue Underwater