Malacoctenus triangulatus

Malacoctenus triangulatus - CM-TRI-016472
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Barcode 8720187825754
Availability Common
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Malacoctenus triangulatus, commonly known as the Saddled blenny, is a small blenny. Their base colour is cream-white but the rest is very variable. Usually they’ve red to rusty brown saddles and greenish in between. Some have very dark spots and blotches on the side/belly while others have bright red spots. The upper half of the eye is always red and they’ve some hair like antlers on their head.

These fish are usually found in holes or between weed on coral reefs and rocky shores. Make sure your tank has ample rocks with hiding spots for these blennies. In a large aquarium multiple blennies is possible as long as enough territories can be formed, but in a small tank they can best be kept alone or as a proven pair. They feed mainly on zooplankton and can best be fed with live and frozen food like copepods, artemia and small gammarus, but usually will learn to feed on high quality flakes and pellets as well!

Saddled blenny
Care level Moderate
Origin Caribbean

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Care levelModerate
FoodArtemia, Mysis, Artemia nauplii, pellet food
max size6cm
Minimum tank size~300 liters
Temperature range23 - 29 °C
Species typeMalacoctenus triangulatus