DVH Aragonite Natural Sand

DVH Aragonite Natural Sand 2,8KG 2-3mm - DVH-Arag20-30-2
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Barcode 094922671516
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DVH Aragonite Natural Sand 2,8KG 0,3-1,2mm - DVH-Arag03-12-2
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Barcode 94922671530
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DVH Aragonite Natural Sand 2,8KG 1-2mm - DVH-Arag10-20-2
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Barcode 94922671523
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DVH Aragonite Natural Sand 9KG 0,3-1,2mm - DVH-Arag03-12-9
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Barcode 094922671486
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DVH Aragonite Natural Sand 9KG 1-2mm - DVH-Arag10-20-9
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Barcode 94922671493
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DVH Aragonite Natural Sand 9KG 2-3mm - DVH-Arag20-30-9
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Barcode 94922671509
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DVH Aquatic Aragonite Natural Sand is a raw, natural re-occurring, biogenic, 99,8% pure calcium carbonate derived from marine aragonite. Its near chemical purity and size consistency making it the ideal substrate for marine, reef or Cichlid aquariums, plenum systems and refugiums.

Next to calcium it also contains elements like Carbonate, Strontium, Magnesium, Molybdenium and Potassium. It has a huge buffering capability and helps maintain a natural pH without the constant need of adding chemicals. 1 KG DVH Aquatic Aragonite Natural Sand offers over 100m2 of surface area for housing ammonia, nitrite and nitrate reducing bacteria. Another benefit is its lack of nitrate, phosphates and silica, which helps to prevent diatom blooms in the aquarium.

How much do I need for my aquarium?

DVH Aquatic Aragonite Natural Sand comes in 9 and 2,8 KG packed in 6 and 2 L PET jars. As we learned at school, 1L = 1dm3. The formula is LxDxH in decimeters.

Measure the length (L) and depth (D) of your tank in centimeters and divide it by 10 to get decimeters. Decide how thick (H) you want your sand bed to be. Example: My tank is 75x40 cm, that is 7,5x4 dm (75/10 = 7,5 and 40 / 10 = 4) and I want my sand bed to be 2cm / 0,2dm thick. That make LxD = 7,5 x 4 = 30 dm2. 30 dm2 x H = 30 x 0,2 = 6 dm3 = 6L

So in this example you need 1 jar of 6L to cover the entire floor of your aquarium with 2cm sand. For people who use inches and feet: 1 inch is roughly 2,5cm / 0,25dm and a feet is roughly 30cm / 3dm.

DVH Aragonite Natural Sand 9 kg - 0,3-1,2 mm

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Species typeDVH Aragonite Natural Sand