Easybooster PRO 1500

Easybooster PRO 1500 - FM-EBP
Size S/M
Barcode 8437007983166
In stock 28

Easybooster prof in professional, 1,500 ml format, is used for direct feeding of aquarium corals, filter feeders and zooplankton. 
This format has been developed to allow automatic dosing of phytoplankton by using a peristaltic pump and an Easyconnect adaptor.

Easybooster prof composition:
Four species of Easy Reefs® microalgae are used:
Isochrysis T-Iso (33,3%) / Nannochloropsis (31%) / Tetraselmis (18%) / Phaeodactylum (18%), thus obtaining optimum nutritional balance.

Instructions for use:
Dosage varies slightly depending on the aquarium’s biological load. 
Generally, it is established between 8 ml/day (basic or maintenance dose) and 16 ml/day (average-high demand) for an aquarium with a gross volume of 1,000 litres.
The Easybooster prof dose should be distributed throughout the day.
It is not necessary to turn off the skimmer.

Easybooster prof should be used in increasing weekly doses as per the following protocol:
For an aquarium with 1,000 gross litres
1st week: 2ml / day
2nd week: 4 ml / day
3rd week: 6 ml / day
4th week: 8 ml / day (basic or maintenance dose).

After the 4th week, you can increase the dose by 2 ml weekly until reaching high levels of zooplankton production to serve as feed for fish, invertebrates and corals.

For correct dispersion, Easybooster must be introduced in the aquarium in the area around the pump that produces intense water circulation.

Examples of use:
Administration via pipette around the area of the water circulation pump.

Into the aquarium from the sump via peristaltic pump.

In this example, the outlet of the peristaltic pump is connected to the inlet of the return pump.

Conservation of Easybooster prof
The expiration date does not change even if the package has been opened. The reason for this is that air is expelled from the bag as the product is being released, thereby preventing the oxidation of the phytoplankton.

aquarium gel feeder (Phyto)


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BrandEasy Reefs
Species typeEasybooster PRO 1500