Easy-Glue Universal

Easy-Glue Universal - PREIS-390
Size N/A
Barcode 4021827216500
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This gran­u­late has special char­ac­ter­ist­ics; it has a very low melting point and can be melted in hot water into a soft, knead­able form. The dough remains workable for 1-2 minutes, and only regains its hard form after it has com­pletely cooled down. Preis-Easy- Glue Univer­sal can be used without hes­it­a­tion in fresh and salt water aquar­i­ums.

For example, one can connect pipes, roots, or reef rocks together. It is pos- sible to form anything with this glue. Fur­ther­more, it can also be used for repairs per­tain­ing to the aquarium. Likewise, it is also ideal for fixing stone coral off­shoots.


  • Ideally, the gran­u­late should be heated in 60* C water.
  • Altern­at­ively, it can also be heated with a blow dryer. 
  • Use a fork to take the warm mass out of the water and use it right away. 
  • Once it cools down the dough-like mass becomes hard very quickly. 
  • Any rests can be returned into the 60° C hot water
Easy-Glue universal -

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Species typeEasy-Glue Universal